|Carnage Recruitment file I was planning on a coded intro with maybe a fire plasma in front of a black background and a pure white tech font writing to screen 0 but since our main asm coder is now working for Atari coding for their Jaguar platform, I guess you will have to settle for a text file. This file is an update on the group Carnage and is also a request for more members. So here we go.. |About "Carnage" Carnage is based in the UK with about 11 members at present. Our main output at present are slideshows with 22 released at last count. These are proving popular in the PD scene as I am now supplying PD companies who have requested copies of our releases. Apart from slideshows, we have several utilities out. Under our previous name [CyberDreams] we had several intro/demos out and are planning to do the same with CRN. At present a joint production with another scene group is on the cards. Unofficially we have members who are into `phreaking' so our internal disk CID [Carnage Internal Disk] has a phone phun section with tips on phreaking, the latest files and member cracked PBX's, VMB's etc.. Scene wise we have `Phreaking Only' of which No.4 will be released shortly under the Carnage label. Our members range from Gfx artists, ray-tracers to asm,amos,pascal coders. We do incourage learning something so we are running an assembler tutorial series on our internal disk. [members only] We have every Amiga machine platform available in the group for testing purposes, from an unexpanded A500 to an A4000 with all the accessories! We are a friendly group and we are trying to promote scene friendliness. We are working with Karma to produce the UK charts but so far the response has been lukewarm. Maybe the UK scene needs incouragement in some way? Our contacts are worldwide and our interests so varied that I'm sure a new member would find someone in the group who has common interests with them. If you are interested in joining Carnage then send a letter + SAE* to the address below. Maybe you are independant and are getting bored? Or maybe you are already in a group but feel you are not getting anywhere, the members arn't helping you or you are not getting support for your work. The group atmosphere is relaxed and I'm always on hand [phone] to discuss projects, ideas, problems or just chat. REF REC1 Kei/CrN 41 Lambourne Drive Marton-In-Cleveland TS7 8QF England Some of the interests within the group that I can recall: Programming Asm | AMOS | Pascal | Blitz Basic | Amiga E | PC Phreaking/Hacking Music Rock | Metal | Classical | Rave | Techno | Pop VHS | Books [Tech & Fact/Fict] | Hardware | TV/Satallite | Sci-Fi From Babylon 5 - X-Files Gfx | Ray-Tracing | Pics | Manga | Mags | Modules | Software | Sports | Art | Digitising/Scanning | Comedy | Technology | Internet | Photography | Girls | Astronomy | XXX | D&D | *Unless you can fake! |Kei/Carnage